Top 5 Candle Making Supplies for Beginners

Posted by Melissa Hall on

I wanted this Blog to give you all the advice and everything I wish I knew before I started making candles. Despite all the research I'd done before opening Melissa Anne Creations, I had to learn the hard way. Don't waste your time learning the hard way as I did. Let me tell you about my top 5 supplies for candle making beginners! This may seem like a lot of items, but these are just the basic recommended essentials for getting you started. 


1. First on the list is something you would think is a no-brainer for candlemaking, but it was a trial and error for me. 

A Digital Candy Thermometer

You may be tempted to get a normal candy thermometer to save a little cash, but go ahead and splurge on this Digital Thermometer. When making candles and doing a few different batches with different fragrances, washing a thermometer the old fashion way is time-consuming. It knocks you out of the grove and slows down progress. 

Here is the link for this Digital Thermometer 


2. When melting your wax, you will need to do it double boiler style. For this reason, you'll need a Melting Pitcher. I would recommend getting them from Amazon because you will eventually need more than one. These Melting Pitchers can be extremely marked up in craft stores (Trust me I've been there paying double in a craft store!). 

Melting Pitchers

Here is the link for these Melting Pitchers


3. This may be obvious, but you will need a stock pot. Not just any stock pot. This one will be dedicated to candle making alone. If you haven't guessed, your boiled pasta will end up tasting like wax. I learned this the hard way. I ended up using one of my high-end stock pots, big mistake!

Stock Pot

Here is the link for the Stock Pot 


4. In this case, more is better. I like to use white spoons to stir my waxes. The white spoons specifically will come in handy when you want to use colorant and help you gange the right shade for your candle. 

White Mixing Spoons

Here is the link for your White Mixing Spoods


5. Last, but certainly, not least is a digital scale. This is a must have for any candlemaker. Unfortunately, you can't just "wing it" when it comes to measuring your wax. You will need to measure in every aspect of candlemaking. Your containers and fragrance oils all rely on measurement to make the perfect candle.

Digital Scale

Here is the link for the Digital Scale


I hope these top 5 supplies for a beginner candle maker was extremely helpful. I wish I had this information when I first began! 


All The Best,

Melissa Anne Creations


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